We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Us!

Well today is our 31st Wedding Anniversary .....somehow since it is May 31st, it seems appropriate to blog this occassion. We enjoyed a dinner out tonight at one of our favorite restaurants here in town, and then they surprised us with a free dessert and a rendition of 'Happy Anniversary' by the serving staff! I had to capture the moment with a picture since they say that a picture is worth a thousand words!! This post is dedicated to my awesome, amazing husband who is the love of my life! Thanks for putting up with me for the last 31 years!!

After dinner we went over to Heather's and played some card games with her since Matt is out of town......since it was raining again when we got home, I just had to cut some of my peonies before they end up laying on the ground because of the water weighing their stems down. This one captured the prize....I tried to hold it so you could see my hand and get some idea of how large the actual blossom is! And no, I did not plan my finger nail polish to match the flower!! (nice color though if I do say so myself!)

Dave's Mom is here for a visit and we took this picture of her and Megan on Sunday....two Mrs. Becks! How exciting for Grandma to be able to see Megan pregnant with her first great grandchild. She doesn't want to be called Great Grandma, so we agreed on Grandma the Great instead! Posted by Picasa


Darin and Jody said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope that you and Dad had a very special day together.

love you,

Courtney and Jon said...

Happy Anniversary is right. You have been married for more years than I have been alive. Congrats! That's amazing. I can't wait to be there as well...well I can cause I have a lot to do before then :)
I thought you matched your nail polish to the flower and had to giggle. But it is a gorgeous flower. You're right the rain has wrecked some of my mom's too.
Have a great day.

McMahon Manifesto said...

Happy Belated Anniversary, Doris! 31 years that is special! Sounds like it was a wonderful day.

Till the Whole World Knows said...

Happy Anniversary Doris and Dave. I love reading your blog! Theresa

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Anniversary! Nowdays that IS good cause to celebrate! Thank you for allowing God to work in and through you to be an example and encouragement to many. May you continue to know His joy and strength.

Anonymous said...

I'm really late - but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And many more!!!!!
Where have all the years gone? Peter and I will be married 40 this July!
Loved the Peony and your nails! Gorgeous!!!

Anonymous said...

The other day I was sitting at my desk at work and got thinking about you and Dave. Then I remembered that you had a blog. So I went searching and found it. I have really enjoyed reading what is new and exciting in your lives. It is fun reading the kids`blogs to! I often tell Tim what is going on and he likes the updates too.

Happy belated anniversery!! You are both great role models.

Beck's Bulletin said...

Wow! Thanks for posting Karin and Karen!! It's always fun to see who has been reading the blog! Glad you are enjoying it!

Julene said...

The peonie is BEAUTIFUL! What a treat to see one of my favourite flowers on your blog. Happy (belated) Anniversary! It looks like your dessert was delicious!