We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Baseball and Other Blessings!

These pictures that I took at the Baseball Diamond are actually a week old, before Dave's Mom headed back to Norcross. She enjoyed sitting with Megan and watching Jamie and Heather play. (Jamie was just in between games here talking to us and Matt was working)

I had great plans to blog them when Dave drove Grandma down to the train station in Everett, Washington later that day, but then life got away from me! It seems to do that often these days. Can any of you relate to that? When you just seem to go from one thing to another and never actually stop and smell the roses. For someone who loves smelling the roses this is almost always a sign that I am running too fast and need to just stop and take a deep breath! So today I am doing that....taking a break in the middle of the day to something I enjoy! Blog!

Some of you may have already seen this picture on Heather's Blog, but I couldn't resist.....she finally got real baseball cleats and they make her feet look even smaller! But they work!

She hits the ball and there she goes! Off to first base on her power cleats!

This was the only shot I actually got of Jamie up to bat....he really smokes the ball when he connects and boy can he run!!! Reminds me of watching Track Meets when he was in school. The coach has to be careful where he puts Jamie in the batting order lest he run over a fellow player in his exuberance to make it home!

So back to my title, what are the other blessings? Those things that we take for being able to spend time on Saturdays at the Ball Diamond watching our kids play baseball...visiting with Megan and just enjoying God's creation! We treasure those times....and they remind us of days gone by, like the fall Slopitch Season when Jody joined Jamie and Megan and Matt and Heather on the team and we watched all five of them together. This year with Megan pregnant and Matt often missing games because of work, there are only two Becks playing...but we still love to watch! And count our blessings while we do! Posted by Picasa


Courtney and Jon said...

Those are some great shots. I love the one of Heather dropping her bat in mid air and running to first, lightening speed :)

Thanks for the recent post that reminds us all to treasure the small things and not let life get too busy that we can't step back to take some time.

Anonymous said...

Glad you could take some time out today. I love the picture of Heather taking off. It's been at least 15 years since we saw our little girls play softball on the same team. The other day when I was going through our slides for the wedding, I saw the team pictures that we took at Mill Lake Park. Every once in a while the song "Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end..." rings in my head. Is this part of "mid-life?"