We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

My New Favorite Picture

Okay, so this is my new favorite picture of the cutest grandchild in the whole, wide world! I know, I am terribly biased and I don't even apologize for that! How can I? It's undisputed! We were at Jamie and Megan's yesterday getting my 'baby fix' and Dave was holding Aidan so I decided to play with my camera and try taking a picture without a flash! Here it is...Isn't he just so precious?
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Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful baby...and he looks "well-loved" already! Congratulations to both you and Dave, as well as the kids. Elma

Carla said...

What a SWEETHEART! (I thought you'd probably have more pics on here. :))

Anonymous said...

Absolutely, he is so precious! What a wonderful blessing from God. m-

Anonymous said... precious!!

Vanessa said...

He is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiul grandson!

Beams said...

Glad to get back and find babe has arrived safely! Yes you are allowed to take mega pics...that's what digitals are for :) and "baby fixes" are mandatory for proud grans. Welcome to the club. Congratulations to all the family!