We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Visit to Grandma's House

Well, this isn't quite at our house yet...but I did catch this picture earlier today after Megan had fed Aidan. He just looked so content snuggled up I couldn't resist! With the guys out golfing, us ladies spent time together just loving on Aidan!

But here he is for real...his first outing to our house for dinner along with his parents, Uncle Ben and grandparents...the other side that is(Megan's parents). He looks like just a little man in his little navy hoody and pants!

Auntie Heather said he cried so she picked him up, but I didn't hear any noises! But that's ok, we don't need excuses to pick him up and hold him! And Heather didn't mind in the least holding him while she ate! Looks like they were having quite the conversation!

Aaachhoooo!! Caught him in the middle of a very big sneeze! Linda do you recognize this very cute sleeper? Thanks again! He looks soooo cute in it!
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Darin and Jody said...

Very cute! I was starting to wonder what happened, no new pictures, I'm counting on you to keep me updated. Actually, I got the ones you sent me in the mail yesterday, so I had so older ones to look at. Thank you for sending them.
love you,

Anonymous said...

Keep feeding us pics. I want to see Grandma in the pics as well.


Kristal Sawyer said...

Thanks for the picture update! Love seeing new pics of your cute little grandson!

Julene said...

I love the picture of Megan with Aidan ... I remember holding our little ones the same.