We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Beautiful Feet!

Our speaker in church yesterday spoke about Beautiful Feet(Isaiah 52:7 beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news) which made me think about feet in general. And then today I ended up thinking a lot more about feet than I had planned, but more about that later...first of all, just had to share this pair of very beautiful feet! Guess whose?

Yup! You Guessed! Those are Aidan's feet...aren't they cute? Apparently they are big for a newborn's feet, but all I know is that they are just too cute! And he doesn't like them covered up. I wonder if he got that from his Grandpa Beck, Dave's father who always had barefeet! In fact when I first met him in April 1975 he had barefeet! and we always said that was something we had in common because I too prefer the no shoes and socks! :-) So Aidan comes by it naturally I guess!

Yup, this is the reason I was thinking about feet today!!! This is my not so beautiful one at the moment! Dave and I were walking this morning when I tripped over a tree root which snapped along with my ankle! Managed to sprain it real good and chip a bone along the way as well! Spent time in emergency and had it X-rayed so as I said, spent more time thinking about feet today than I had first planned!

So here it is...all fat and starting to turn colors! Spent the day with my foot up and tensor bandage, air cast and ice close by. Here's hoping it heals real fast!! Posted by Picasa


Courtney and Jon said...

Oh dear, Doris, I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. That is terrible. Boy do I know about emergency rooms and the need for faster service when your ankle is broken or sprained.
I'll be praying for you.

Kristal Sawyer said...

Ouch! Hope you feel better soon so you can get back to walks with my mom/your best friend! =)

Anonymous said...

That looks terrible! I guess it's hard not to think of anything but what an inconvenience something like this causes. I'm sorry for you and sorry for myself that we won't be able to walk for a while.
I guess you'll just get lots of scrapbooking and blogging done!
Anywasy, I'll hope and pray your ankle heals quickly.

Anonymous said...

Doris, I'm so sorry that you sprained your ankle. OUCH!!!!! You are in our prayers. Take it easy, and use the RICE method. Rest and Ice and then move to Compression and Exercise. And don't skimp on the first two! You'll probably need a few pain killers to keep the throbbing down. With your great attitude, you won't let that keep you down. (((((((((((Doris)))))))))))))))))))

Kimberley said...

Ouch! I prefer to think about Aidan's cute feet than the pain you must being going through. I'll be praying for some quick healing for you Mrs. B!

~linda~ said...

awwww...looks so painful...I am sorry you sprained your ankle Doris...hope it heals quickly

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks for all your prayers Everyone! I am staying off the ankle and icing...following dr's orders! and yes, here's hoping it heals quicker rather than slower.

Anonymous said...

Still think you should come down here to recuperate. After all playing cards is the best thing for a sprained Ankle. :)

Beams said...

Too bad about the ankle, hope the colours match your wardrobe! How's the healing process going? Yes the little one does have big feet for a new born...wonder where those feet will take him :) I know his new grandma will be praying those feet will follow the path of her Master! The no shoes or socks routine would fit in well downunder where going barefoot is the norm in summer.

Anonymous said...

Poor ankle. Hope it is mending quickly. Praying for you. Btw, I have that exact color on my toenails (if the color is true to life). Feel better, sweet lady. I better stop oohing and awwing and oowing over your pictures and go to bed! m-