We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, August 07, 2006

What is this you ask? Well we spent last week in Whistler at our annual Canadian Staff had been cloudy on the drive up, but it was a glorious day as we left on Friday morning. So I just had to give you a glimpse of what we saw all week!( and also explain why I was offline all week....the internet service was terrible so I finally just gave up and declared it another offline week.....such is life!) Posted by Picasa


thisrequiresthought said...

thanks so much for the encouragement, folks at Beck's Bulletin.

May the Lord bless you for blessing me.

Earle Expedition said...

I guess I`ll have to add this onto my wish list to see. It`s funny all my top places to see are right here in Canada. What a glorious place we live.

Vanessa said...

sounds like you guys had a good time at whistler-the pictures are great!! so beautiful! i love all the waterfalls on the drive up too! glad to hear you guys had a good weekend of rest and refocusing. God bless as you continue to serve Him!!