We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Enjoying Aidan!

Probably one of the questions I get asked most these days is, "So how are you enjoying your grandson?" There is only one answer......immensely!! Gone are our quiet(well sort of quiet) family dinners, and uninterrupted Sunday afternoon games(we still play them but now usually one of us is holding a baby), but we wouldn't trade them for anything! In their place there is this little man that has won his way into all of our hearts...

Just before the monsoon season started(November has that nickname around our house since it is the month of rain, rain, and rain....sometimes not just outside but also inside our house) I got to babysit and Aidan came on his first walk with Grandma. It was a cold morning so he was bundled up against the wind. My friend and I marvelled as we thought about how we first started walking together when our youngest children started kindergarten....and now here we were, still walking but occassionally having a grandchild in a stroller in front of us! Who would have thought that we would still be walking together regularly once we were grandmothers!(they were supposed to be what happened?)

Dave's Mom also fell in love with her great-grandson! How fun it was to watch her enjoy Aidan, and what a blessing this little guy has to have four grandparents and 4 great-grandparents still alive too! What a legacy!

As you can see, he is quite the handful! And not even 3 months old yet!

Of course Grandpa Dave enjoys this little guy too! They have started having man-to-man talks! Dave insists that he wants to stand already so they practise when he has him! Posted by Picasa

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