We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Tiny Tigger!

Heather gave Aidan this cute outfit soon after he was a 6 month size which should have been way to big for him yesterday on Halloween! However, guess what? Our growing grandson who is only 2 months old but over 14 pounds already fit into it...well sort of anyway! And he was definitely too cute for here is the picture Heather, just like I promised!

Great Grandma, Dave's Mom arrived from Minnesota yesterday so we had a family dinner so she could meet her great-grandson, so Megan decided to dress him up for the occassion! So much fun!

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McMahon Manifesto said...

aww, he is so adorable, Doris. And such a good size for his age. I always remember both boys and Kristen being just over 12 pounds at their two month check-ups and at that time they were considered in the higher percentile. So not sure what they measure like these days on the charts. Aidan is so alert and bright looking for his age!

Anonymous said...

What a cute tigger! I love the cheeks! They remind me of Jody, when she was little.