We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

November Snow!

Yup, I just took this picture in the dark(hence the eerie lighting) because it is so beautiful. It started snowing late this afternoon and we have several inches already and it supposed to snow all night long! There is no wind so it was just sitting on the branches of our Japanese Maple tree outside our bedroom window so I just had to try my hand at some night pictures. Funny thing is we had a similar snowstorm the last week of November last year too. I wonder if this is becoming a tradition! Sure does help you feel like Christmas truly is only a month away! Did I just say that? Eeeks!

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Anonymous said...

Boy are we glad we are not there. :) Very good pics. Nancy said "THERE IS SNOW ON OUR DRIVEWAY" BRRRRR!!!!!


Darin and Jody said...

Oh, I am so jealous!

Beams said...

It looks so beautiful....but would I want to swap my sunny day for snow?....I really don't think so ....but thanks for sharing this with us....I still have wonderful childhood memories of white Christmases and BBQ's on the beach don't quite cut it even after all these years!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful Doris. We had something like this a couple of years back but it was ice and not as pretty.

Aidan is a cutey..and growing!

Vanessa said...

you captured some great shots of the snow!! and of your grandson (but that's not tough, cuz he's adorable!!)