We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Some Texas Pictures

Several of you have commented that I haven't posted any pictures from my Texas trip yet, so I decided that I really had to take some time to post tonight before calling it a day. This one was taken in the 'arena', an area that Darin has cleared of the existing grass to be used for training horses. As Jody said, 'there are always more rocks to pick'!

Now that the ranch has gotten into brood mares, there are colts on the ranch....Meet 'Squeaks', their 6 month old colt who actually 'squeaks' when he neighs. Hence the name!

Texas is known for Armidillos, but in all our trips there, we have rarely seen one, and almost never during the day. This young had been digging up their yard, so when it appeared one afternoon, I ran out with my camera to take a picture. Good thing I did....he met his untimely death later in the afternoon.

Darin's dog Jake loves to be close to Jody, preferably touching her. Here they are out in the yard.

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