We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.....Not!

I am enjoying my week of vacation here in Texas with Jody and Darin and I have been struck by how strange it seems to be playing Christmas Carols, wrapping Christmas gifts, and even going Christmas shopping today when it is in the 70's outside! It feels like summer and has given me a new appreciation for what it is like to celebrate Christmas down under!(here's to you Beams!)

It doesn't look like Christmas snow, no chilly nights that beg for a cup of hot chocolate, no Christmas Tree farms where you can cut your own tree(the ones here boast that they are fresh from New Mexico...'feel them'...I did and they weren't fresh but already losing their needles). And no pictures for all of you because I forgot my cord for my camera!

And yes, it is almost Christmas! Here in Texas, with a huge Christmas Tree in their living room(it is even bigger than ours for those that have seen our 9 foot tree!), we had Christmas Dinner last night, complete with our family's traditional Birthday Cake for Jesus(a Black Forest Cake) and gift opening afterwards....and I was reminded again what is truly important at Christmas. The story of a baby in a manger, and time spent with those we love!

It's been so fun to have this time with them, before I head back to BC for our Christmas there and they fly to South Carolina where they will spend the holidays with Darin's family. A little bit of an early Christmas gift for me....

1 comment:

Beams said...

So you will now really appreciate heading back to the cold and family and dark nights for Christmas. How lovely to be able to spend a few days with family down there. And I think my countdown to Christmas is hectic! One of these years you will need to try an antipodean Christmas ! Will await the photos!