We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Celebrating two special men in my life!

Today is Dave's birthday and in honor of the occassion we celebrated it with the kids last night! When it came to taking pictures of Dave and his gifts, he asked for Aidan since 'he is the best gift of all!'. So this post is in honor of the big and the little .... two special men in my life! (that's ok Jamie, Matt and Darin, you are all special too, but this post isn't for you!)
Dave and I started dating 32 years ago this month, and I am so thankful that God gave me this amazing man who loves me, encourages me, and is my greatest fan! Thank you Honey, for always believing in me, for cheering for me, for allowing me to be all that God has called me to be!
I love you more today than I could ever have believed possible 32 years ago! And for all you youngin's out there, the best is yet to come! Believe me! :-)

And here is the other special 'little' man in my life! He is so much fun and his smiles and giggles are contagious! I just had to share these with you!

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Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dave! And such delightful new pics of Aidan. I love how you keep us so up to date Doris. So fun!

Beams said...

Hi Doris

My husband had his birthday on December 4th too. Must produce a good vintage !! But we met on New Year's day...which kinda makes it easy to remember. Lovely to see you extolling your husband! And loved the snow pics...just so beautiful.

Blessings to you both.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Dave! Funny, you don't look like a grandad to me (that's supposed to be a compliment, btw). Love the bottom picture of Aidan the best - such a great smile! I bet he was laughing!

Carla said...

Adorable pictures, Doris! I can't believe how much snow you guys got last week! WOW!