We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A New House and A New Addition!

Heather loves her new house and her new kitchen! Of all our children, she was the one that would often hop up on the kitchen counter to talk! And it hasn't changed! Except here she is doing it on her own kitchen counter! The cabinets turned out amazing!! Good choice of paint Heather!

Here Heather is holding their new addition! Well an adopted addition that is. Meet Tonka, Matt's Mom's new lab puppy who is living at their house until he is trained! He is an adorable bundle of puppy with lots of energy and no fear! Our poor dog didn't know what to do with him when he wanted to play.

I just had to include this picture of Heather's red piano room since the picture on her blog didn't do it justice! Heather is putting my old piano books to good use which is nice to see.

I love this color and am thinking of stealing it for my house! We barely had their place finished and the two of us were already planning what colors we were going to paint our laundry room, powder room, family room and kitchen. But first, we both need to give our necks and backs a rest.....but Christmas vacation is coming!

And here is Matt with a lapful of puppy! Tikka is on the right side and Tonka on the left. Tikka is a very good 'puppy-sitter' and has endless energy and patience with the newcomer.

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