We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

32 Years Ago Today!

32 years ago today Dave surprised himself by asking me to marry him! It's true! He was planning on doing it the next night over a romantic dinner but instead asked while sitting on the couch with all of his roommates in the kitchen! But I said 'yes' and the rest is history! We are romantics so we celebrate this special day every year to remind ourselves of God's amazing faithfulness.

Thanks to a wonderful Olive Garden Gift Certificate(a Christmas gift which was most appreciated) we had dinner out before heading to our Life Group(small group) from church.

I appreciated not having to cook dinner tonight even more than usual because I had spent 6 1/2 hours standing in line today to get into the Passport Office to drop off my Passport application form! That's right.....actually it was more like 6 hours standing outside in the line, and then the last 45 minutes sitting inside 'fretting' over whether or not my number would be called before 4:30. We had been warned that at precisely 4:30 the office would in fact close and everyone not served would have to come back the next day!!!!

Can you imagine? After all those house in the cold, mothers with babies, grandmas with their walkers, people freezing(it took me several hours to thaw out) some of them were told to come back tomorrow! I however was thankful to have my number called with 2 minutes to spare!!! Unfortunately as of today you couldn't actually come back to pick your passport up unless you brought your airline tickets along(no one told us so I wasn't the only one that had my plan for a quick turnaround foiled) but at least my application is now in their hands and not in my bag waiting for another day!

At least the sun was shining, there were some great people waiting in line with me, it wasn't raining, snowing or foggy, and I got to read a good book that a friend had given me on Monday! Yup you read that right...I read the entire book while standing in line! Nothing quite like redeeming the time!

And all this on an anniversary of sorts! So yes, I did enjoy our quiet dinner celebration tonight! Here's to my wonderful husband who loves me, encourages me, cheers me on, and gives me wings to fly and soar! Thanks Honey for all this and more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Boy! If you had not gotten on, I would have blamed myself for being late for our walk that morning! I'm glad you had a chance to read the book in one sitting (standing). Not like I did, dragging it out over months (over Christmas...) and forgetting who was who.