We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Grandma's House

Since Aidan now has his afternoon naps on Sundays while we have our family dinner, we were missing having time with him awake. So today he came for a visit while his parents ran errands! He is growing up so fast! He now has two teeth(and they are sharp!), he can sit up all by himself and balance most of the time, and he has discovered Sheba! I mean really discovered her......whatever else he is doing, or anyone else is doing, is forgotten when the dog enters the you can see!

He has also decided that he likes petting animals. Sheba is pretty patient for a very old dog! But anything for a treat! And yes folks, that really is Dave's arm...he was sitting on the floor!!!(you have to understand that the arthritis makes that very difficult!) But when your grandson comes to play, well...nothing more needs to be said!

Dave can really get Aidan laughing, to the point that he actually giggles! So much fun to be had at Grandma's House!


Courtney and Jon said...

Those are fabulous pictures. I love seeing your grandson. He sure is cute.

Anonymous said...

Doris, he is so sweet and precious! Grandchildren put a twinkle in our eyes!