We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Glimpses of Texas

We just got back from spending a week in Texas with Jody and Darin and several of you have asked about pictures! I had good intentions of blogging while there, but what can I say? We were too busy relaxing! Here are a few snapshots of our time ....I snapped this first picture when they were putting the horses out for the day. This is Cookie, and her foal, Spooks, who was just born in January and is already incredibly independent!

One of the special things about this trip was that we were also able to visit Dave's mother who was still in Texas. Sunday after church we drove down to Rockport where she has spent the last two months. We realized on the way down that it had been 11 years since I had been in Rockport, back when Jamie was a student at His Hill and we went down as a family for Spring Break to visit him and Dave's parents! It's incredible to think of all the changes in our family in those 11 years. This picture was taken right outside of Grandma's door. What a beautiful place to enjoy while Minnesota is frozen!!

We were blessed to be able to stay at the Beach House of a family from Jody and Darin's church. Monday morning we just had to take some pictures and capture the beauty around us! The weather was awesome and we all enjoyed the warmth and the sunshine. It was just so fun to all be together, from BC, Minnesota and Texas! Three generations enjoying time together! Dave' Mom is excited about another Great-Grandchild!

We took a trip over to Mustang Island to walk along the beach and enjoy the ocean!
As you can see, Jody is 'blossoming' and it was so fun to see her pregnant. She is already over half way through her pregnancy. For more pictures and updates, do check their blog.

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