We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Life on the Ranch

Springtime on the ranch wouldn't be complete without baby animals! Here are a few pictures that I snapped around the ranch during our week there. She isn't a baby anymore, but 'Felice' was found as a baby last year and raisedon the ranch. She is hand-fed and always looking for a handout!

Their herd of sheep has really multiplied since I was there in December. It is lambing season and this year they have a higher than average number of twins. At any given time you could hear the mothers calling their lambs and the lambs calling for their mothers. As Jody said, 'how hard can it be to keep track of just one or two lambs....but somehow they manage to lose each other!!' Fortunately it usually only takes a short while before they are reunited.

These two followed their mother when she led the way in the opposite direction of where I waited with my camera ready! They were just so cute!

Yup! Your eyes are not deceiving you! They even have buffalo on the ranch in the hopes of breeding them with cattle to produce 'Beefalo', supposedly a great meat! There were three of these that greeted us every morning as we made our way down to Jody and Darin's house.

Several calves were born while we were there....this little guy was only a couple of days old and staying close to Mama!

Needless to say Jody and Darin are kept busy looking after all the animals, keeping track of babies, and making sure everyone has enough food and water. Never a dull moment to be sure!

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