We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

My Sunshine Boy

Since I know that you are all terribly tired of the deer peering back at you everytime you check to see if I have finally updated my blog, and since my last post is even older than Jody's(she pointed that out to me tonight when I was bugging her about getting a new picture up), and since my sunshine boy came for some Grandma time today while Megan got ready for her parents' visit, I had to stay up way past my bedtime tonight to download some pictures and post some of my favorites from this past month. Aidan has the biggest smile, and you can see why I call him my 'Sunshine Boy'!

Today he was content to explore our carpet along the way to his toys....he thought it was so funny that I was laying down on the floor with him trying to capture his smiles! The best ones are always after the picture is taken.

I love this picture because it shows how much fun Grandpa and Aidan have! Dave just needs to wiggle his arthritic fingers and Aidan laughs and giggles. The other thing about this picture is that the little wooden chair that Aidan is sitting in(we put it on a dining room chair so he is the same height as the rest of us at Sunday Dinner) was it is an antique! But it does allow him to be at the table and us to all enjoy our Sunday Dinners without fighting him for the placemat!

Aidan isn't smiling here, but one of his favorite things at our house is Sheba! I am constantly amazed at how patient she is with him, sitting so he can pet her, or like today, bringing him her ball just in case he has figured out how to play with her! One of these days he will surprise her by picking it up and throwing it down the hallway...but until then, he stops and stares at her or just breaks into laughter! Oh the joy! Seeing Dave with Aidan reminds me of the many long hours he would play with the kids and tell them stories....won't be long before Aidan will be asking Grandpa to tell him a story too.


Danielle said...

hiya doris...
I love those pics they are awsome!

I should update my blog... got som news to post :)

have an awsome trip.. cya next fall!
haha jk!


Courtney and Jon said...

Great update!
I love the photos. Aiden sure is adorable.
Glad you get so much Grandma time, that is precious.