We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

From Florida to Thailand

As many of you know, Dave and I just arrived back from Florida where we spent 11 days enjoying life in the sun! The first part of the time was spent at a Conference in Orlando where our International Headquarters is located! Once that was finished we drove down to the Gulf Coast to visit an aunt of mine and spend Easter with her! We were so encouraged by her hospitality. She is a widow who loves the Lord and was such a blessing to us! We enjoyed relaxing, reading, swimming(for me) and time in the sun! Just what we needed. On Monday we drove to Sanibel Island, where this lighthouse was located.

The beach was amazing, but along the way we also some creatures that we a total surprise! Like this turtle who was racing thru the sand...he was in a hurry! Not sure where he was going...

Another neat thing about the Island was a Wildlife Refuge where we saw this Alligator! It was mating seaon so we were all told to be careful! He didn't look like he was interested in much of anything!
Today I have repacked and tonight I fly to Thailand where I will be speaking at MinistryNet 2007: Bangkok, an International Campus Crusade for Christ Internet Conference! It's me and God! So as you read this, do pray for me as I travel over there, and then from there to Manila next weekend to teach another all day workshop! We serve an amazing God! I am still almost in shock at these opportunities...He said 'Go' and I said 'yes' I am off!

1 comment:

Beams said...

Hope you have a wonderful time serving the Lord in this way in Thailand. We have a lot of direct contact with the Urak Lewoi people of Phuket with a couple from our church producing a written language for them and continuing to translate scripture into their native tongue. Another couple are running a home industry in Bangkok to give jobs to slum dwellers. Haven't been over myself ...but know it is hard work to win through there. But as you are half way here ,why don't you keep on coming! You'd have a warm welcome. :)