We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Glimpses of Bangkok

Today was our last day here in Bangkok and I must say that it has been the most amazing time! I have seen God's faithfulness in sooo many ways...answered prayers every day and a constant reminder of God's strength in my weakness.

I have made many new friends as we joined together with over 100 staff from 26 countries. Some are kindred spirits that I am sure will be lifers! :-)

On Wednesday we had a chance to spend the afternoon touring Bangkok and I chose to do just that instead of the shopping tour. I revisited the Grand Palace which I had seen three years ago when I was here, along with a Boat Trip which was awesome. Here is a picture of just one of the temples at the Grand Palace.

It was around 100 Degrees out so this picture of me and my monkey friends was taken at the beginning of the afternoon, before we all were red-faced and very hot.

I had hoped to post more pictures but the internet connection here at the hotel is really slow. I had to show you how they cut the lawn here in Thailand! Yes, those are clippers.....the old fashioned kind! And there are two more men waiting to rake up the grass after these two were finished!

Tomorrow I fly to Manila where I will be teaching four more workshops. Thank you for carrying me on the wings of your prayers!

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