We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Home Again!

My Asian Adventure was truly amazing! I learned that I can trust God even when I am venturing into the unknown, and that He is with me, even when I had to trust that the Taxi Driver who didn't speak a word of English could read the map I gave him in Bangkok, or that someone would actually be waiting to pick me up outside the Manila airport in the dark! God is so faithful!

I arrived home Sunday afternoon in time to celebrate Matt's birthday with the kids! I love these two pictures of Aidan with his Auntie Heather and Uncle Matt. Aidan loves them both as they love him. It is so much fun to watch them interact with him so I decided to share these with you as well.

Aidan has definitely discovered the camera as you can tell from this picture with Heather. He smiles as soon as he realizes you want to take a picture!

Matt and Aidan have a special bond.....he loves it when Matt gets down on the floor and plays with him and makes animal noises! Boys will be Boys!


Danielle said...

Hi doris!

I love aidens smile, and his hair!! that is so cute!!!!

welcome back btw :)


lowonthego said...

hey dave and doris!!!

AHHH Aidan is sooo cute! :)

Thanks for everything you did for us all at MET!!! I had a great time!