We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Meeting Caily Joelle

As you can see we made it to Texas and met Caily Joelle. She has captured our hearts and we just can't get enough of her.

She mostly just sleeps and eats, but her expressions are priceless! Who says babies can't smile? or that they are only having gas...sure looks like the real thing!

Dave gets his turn in too, and is more than happy to hold her. He was reading but decided to join Caily in taking a nap! I couldn't resist capturing the moment on film!

Jody is taking a nap right now too, so I thought I had to share some of my favorite pictures with all of you too.Posted by Picasa


Kristal Sawyer said...

Wow! She is SO precious...such a cute petite face...a very pretty little girl!!! Hope you are enjoying your time there!

Danielle said...

she is beatiful :) wow... her eye lashes are long, babies are cute.
just wanted to say, have a good trip. i'm taking a mini trip myself *beams a smile*
it's HOT here doris...... time for a frosty ;)


Megan said...

Thanks for the pics. Its great to see her. Enjoy the time.

Anonymous said...

I just love her contented look and her chubby little arms!
So happy for you that you can have this time with her!

Beams said...

A beautiful little girl, thanks for sharing these pictures with us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Doris, for posting. I had been checking the blogs several times a day (your's and Jody's) and was waiting patiently for more updates! I know you're having a great time. It goes by so fast....savor the moments! We're so happy you are there and can't wait to meet "her" ourselves. She looks like a sweet little doll! Wish we could see you too! Love you all! Trudy

Anonymous said...

great last photo on this post, doris!

caily is so beautiful!

congratulations again :)