We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Just a few more pictures.....

I feel like in some ways I have to post lots of pictures of Caily now while we are here since these will be the last that I will be taking for several months. Today we took time to capture a few memories......I have carried Caily like this a lot to try to get her to burp, settle down after a feeding or 'just because'.....Dave captured it this morning.

I also asked Dave to take this picture outside this afternoon....three generations on one picture. Where have the years gone?

My sister said it best, "when your baby has a baby, are there words to express what you must be feeling?" You are so right! There really aren't words to express baby girl with her baby girl! Precious!

The Miles Family outside of their house on the Ranch! What a great looking trio!!
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Darin and Jody said...

Great pictures, it was great to have you guys here. We really enjoyed it and your help was much appreciated. Hope your trip home goes well,

Courtney and Jon said...

wow, those are great pictures. she is a doll. glad you got to see your granddaughter and spend time with Jodi and Darin.