We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Chemainus World Famous Murals

I had promised to post more pictures from our trip to Vancouver Island this week but it's been a bit crazy! I babysat Aidan three days this week which was lots of fun, but filled up my days between that and work. Here are a few pictures from our stop in Chemainus last Sunday. It's between Nanaimo and Victoria for those of you that know Vancouver Island.

The town has over 40 murals painted on it's buildings, telling the history of the region.

I liked this shot of Dave's Mom and the moose!

This water wheel was actually used to generate power in the town.

Can you see the train on this one?

There were lots more but thought I would just give you a peek!
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Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Hi Doris...those are great pictures...I must be dumb (or blind) because I couldn't figure out where the train was on that picture. Was that supposed to be a joke? Dave's mom looks great! Glad you're enjoying your time with her. Will keep checking for new posts!

Beck's Bulletin said...

No joke Trudy! It's right in the middle about half way down...the grey and black and white is the smoke and underneath is the train going across the brown bridge.

Danielle said...

hi doris..

I love the murels.. espesially the native one :)