We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Introducing Jaxon Kade Beck

He's here! Jaxon Kade Beck made his appearance this morning at 6:37 am and weighed in at 8 lbs 3 oz, almost half a pound less than his big brother. Aidan just giggled when he woke up this morning and I was at their house and told him that his baby brother was born. He clearly said 'baby' which is amazing since most of his words aren't necessarily easy to understand.

Aidan was not at all sure about this baby that Daddy was holding.

Jamie even got down on the floor at Aidan's level to see if that was better...but instead Aidan was more interested in practising his bum drops on Megan's bed!

And baby makes 4!

Megan looked great and was thankful for a speedy delivery(I will let her fill you in on their blog) Meanwhile, I took Aidan home where Heather met us just as our new stove was being delivered. Aidan was so excited to see his Auntie Heather at Grandma's house!

Yup, this is what Heather was here was a beautiful day today, perfect for painting trim on our house....what would I do without my fearless painting partner(she does amazing with her 6 foot arm-span!! It's true....6 feet! Covers a lot of trim in one ladder position)

Tonight after Jamie picked Aidan up to take him home, Dave and I headed back to the Hospital so he could meet his new grandson. Proud Grandpa!

It was fun to just enjoy the moment and celebrate Jaxon's safe arrival.
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McMahon Manifesto said...

Just checking the blogs here before bed and was wondering if there would be a baby and sure enough! Congratulations to you all. A new little grandson to love! Glad to hear that all went well.

Anneliese said...

Congratulations! Aidan has no idea right now what piles of fun he will one day have with his brother!
Wishing you all God's blessings!

Kristal Sawyer said...

Congrats on another handsome grandson!!!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

We're so happy for you all! He looks like a darling baby...and Aiden will be a great big brother! Again, Congratulations!

karen said...

Congrats, I must say that you and Dave are young looking grandparents. What a joy!
May God continue to bless your family.

Darin and Jody said...

Yeah for another grandbaby! We wish we could be there to meet Jaxon, give him an extra squeeze from us.

~linda~ said...

Congratualtions on your new little precious one!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and God's blessings on your newest family member! Seems like everywhere I look there are new bundles of joy and responsibility! All the best!

Carla said...

Yipee! So exciting! Congratulations!

Beams said...

My goodness it seems no time since Aidan was born!
Congratulations on your new grand baby.....there is just something special about grandkids isn't there!

Claire Colvin said...

I was driving past the turn off to your place on Saturday and wondering if there was a new Beck yet. Sure enough, here he is.

Congratulations Grandma & Grandpa! Looks like the new little guy fits right in.

The W's said...

Congratulations on another grandson!