We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories Part 1

Sometimes you just have to live beyond the mundane, the planned and ordered. Last week I did that when Heather asked me to go back home early with her(on Tuesday morning) instead of after work on Thursday when Dave and I were planning to go. We had an awesome time driving up the Fraser Canyon in her new 4Runner....working together each on our computer, doing a puzzle together and walking along the river and enjoying the fall foilage. It was a beautiful day so I just had to share a few of the pictures with you.

Fall is several weeks ahead of where we are down here at the coast so the hillside was beautiful.

Tiks was so excited about coming along on our walk. She even posed for the camera.

We sat here along the riverbank for a while while Heather threw stones into the river for much fun!

The path was so beautiful.....and I was thankful for the sunshine and for the time to spend with just my daughter and I.
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Danielle said...

wow the Cariboo looks so beautiful, we live in the BEST province in the world!!...

Karin said...

Look at those amazing reds in the last photo! Gorgeous shots!