We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

It's December 24th and it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here! Right down to the snow falling outside for what they are predicting will be our whitest Christmas on record(not sure how you get to be the 'whitest') We have enjoyed a couple of Christmas Dinners already this week.....first with our family and then yesterday with my parents and sister and her family. I took this picture of the 'young Becks' yesterday before all the rest of the company arrived! Aidan was laughing at his "Pa" who was making faces at him behind me!

I love this picture of Jaxon smiling. His smiles have been hard to come by but just this week it's been fun to see him smile when he sees me. He was enjoying just playing on the floor with his toys while we were getting our Christmas Dinner on the table on Sunday.

Although we were missing Jody, Darin and Caily, we were so thankful that Heather and Matt made the effort to drive down for the second weekend in a row so that we could celebrate Christmas together with them and Jamie, Megan and the boys. Thanks so much for the memories!
Aidan loves his 'Unkie' most of all.....and do they ever have lots of fun together! Just look at the faces on these two boys!
Although we have missed the worst of the last 3 snowfalls this past week, this morning we woke up to this....over 8 inches of snow and it is still coming down! Our church has just cancelled it's services, Jamie and Megan and the boys left early today for Seattle so that they would be down there in time for their flights to Michigan tomorrow, so we will be having a very quiet Christmas Eve. I realized that it will be the first time in the 35 Christmases since Dave and I started dating that we will be alone together on Christmas Eve! Good thing we like each other!

So to all of you, a very Merry Christmas indeed! Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow!
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Anneliese said...

That's unreal that it will be your first Christmas Eve alone. It will be special too . . . I had to smile at your comment about liking each other. Yes, it's a good thing.

Karin said...

Yes, hubby and I are alone this evening too! The kids from PA will call though and we'll get to chat for a while! Blessings!