We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A very white Christmas!

In the midst of all the celebrations this year, there is a deep sadness in my soul. This Angel of Remembrance is on our tree because we remember that there are two very special little girls who should have been celebrating their first Christmas with us this year. Instead they are singing with the Angel Choir, worshipping our King. Avery and Sophie, we miss you.... a lot!

And still it snows outside....

Yesterday we enjoyed several flocks of birds who thought perhaps this bird house might provide some food for them..sparrows, chickadees, dark-eyed Juncos and even a Rufous-sided Towhee visited our Backyard.
Today there is just snow, snow and more snow!
No birds taking baths today!

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