We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Two Girlies to Love

We are enjoying having two girlies to love these days! Caily is sure to remind us that she too needs loving and of course we are more than happy to oblige. Yesterday morning we managed to get Jody to take this picture of the four of us....Bupa, Mimi and their two girls..
I just love this picture of Caily admiring the horse stickers on her arm because it also shows off her anklet! When we walked into the house in the morning Caily was excitedly telling us that both she and Mommy were wearing anklets!
One of the things Caily and I starting doing together in April was taking out the trash. Dave wondered why I only took one bag at a time so we invited him along to document our trek to the trash cans!
Both of us have to hang onto the bag...
This is very serious business afterall.
Next up it was time for our walk....Caily and Bupa were waiting outside so she tried on his hat for size.
In case you think that Dave never gets a turn holding Lexi, here is a picture to prove otherwise.
Lexi looking very bright-eyed after a bath.
I couldn't resist including this picture of me and my ladybug....doesn't the background look like a fake sears backdrop? But no, it's on the ranch!
And one last shot of 'Little Bit' as she gets called...smiling!


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Wonderful!!! Great pics! You and Dave look great and so do the sweet little girlies. Keep 'em coming!

Heather said...

Love all the pictures mom :)

sethswifeforlife said...

All awesome pictures, but that last one is SO cute. I love innocent baby smiles. great capture of it!