We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Family Fun

So often I am reminded of how blessed we are to have great kids who enjoy spending time together and with us. This weekend we have enjoyed some fun times together as Heather came down for my nephew's wedding yesterday. Here are our 'celebrity' couple...the wedding was outside so sunglasses where a 'must'....

Megan talking to the baby.....
We really miss Matt and Heather so we were thankful that she could fly down for the you can see she is definitely radiant and growing!
Gotta love these smiles...
I only have one sister so I wanted to make sure that Dave took a picture of the two of us together.....
A wedding guest volunteered to take a picture of our family with my aunt and really was a beautiful day!
Today at lunch Jaxon was having a hard time staying awake, so Heather started rubbing his head......
Before you knew it, he was sound asleep....sitting up in his high chair with his hand still in the air...
We all laughed so hard!! Megan laughed until she cried at which point Aidan asked, 'Mommy sad?', not at all Aidan, she was just laughing!!!

Aidan enjoyed his first Corn on the Cob of the season.....gotta love this face!


Karin said...

Great family photos Doris! Your sister looks like someone I should know! The shots of Jaxon and Aidan are just priceless!

Danielle said...

oh I love all your pics doris!!! and heather rubbin Jaxon's head was priceless :)

Anneliese said...

Looks like Heather has the touch! I love the last picture of Aidan! What a cute boy!

Deanna said...

It is great to see evidence of the baby we have been praying for. Beautiful!