We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Tale of the Cucumbers - Part 1

Stock pot.....Click!


Garlic and dill into jars.....Click!

Many hands to help.....check!
Satisfaction with first jar of pickles packed into jar.....check!
Proud Mommy filling up her own jar.....check!
33 quarts full of cucumbers.....check!

Lids boiling on the stove....check!

Brine cooking in the stock pot.....check!
Jars processing in the oven .....check!
Finished jars cooling off.....check!

A wonderful memory shared with family.....check!

This post is lovingly dedicated to my friend Anneliese and the wonderful ladies at Mennonite Girls Can Cook! I love their blog but so often can get overwhelmed because I just don't even really enjoy cooking....but yesterday I enjoyed working in my kitchen and I just had to think of all of them!


Anneliese said...

Well I'm up early (for a Sunday morning) as we had to get some special guests off to the ferry.
Great post! Looks like you did have fun in the kitchen! Pickles is one thing I've never done. Isn't it great that you can pass on the tradition?

Heather said...

Ooh, I can practically smell the kitchen from here ... I think I have to go buy a jar of pickles yet today now :)