We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Water Fun

One of the really fun things about last weekend was that I got to spend lots of time in the water both by myself and with Jamie, Megs and the boys. I am a 'water-rat', absolutely no doubt about it. My parents taught me how to swim at a very young age, and for most of my growing up years we spend our vacations at the lake for 2-3 weeks every summer. Consequently whether in a pool or a lake, I love to swim!

Friday afternoon Jaxon thought the pool was a bit too cold for him.

What made the weekend extra-special was being able to spend time in the pool with the boys.

Aidan learning how to float...and trusting Mimi not to drown him!

Jaxon took a while to warm up to being in the water, but by Sunday morning he was loving it....
The face tells it all!
Jamie had fun throwing the boys up in the air and catching them....Jaxon was totally relaxed.
Aidan's big accomplishment for the weekend was learning to 'swim' on his own with the Life Jacket. He was pretty tentative at first going between Jamie and I, but by the end of the weekend, he swam from one end of the pool to the other.
I love these action shots of Jamie throwing Aidan up.....

Saturday morning we drove to Lake Chelan where Aidan finally convinced Jamie to jump in(I didn't need any convincing!)
Yup...this diving beauty is me! I can't believe I am actually posting it but I thought the form was pretty amazing considering I probably hadn't done it in about 20 years! Dave captured the moment which Aidan thought was see his Mimi diving into the water off the dock.
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Darin and Jody said...

Thanks for all the pictures, it looks like y'all had tons of fun. Nice form on the diving!

Anneliese said...

You've got me laughing! I know that water is cold!!! What a grandma will do for the grands!

Courtney and Jon said...

What a wonderful weekend with the Beck's. Glad you could create such fond memories.

McMahon Manifesto said...

The dive is amazing, Doris! Love all the pictures.