We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

A Different Kind of Grandma

It's hard to believe that Kai is 10 days old already today! I have been so blessed to have this extended time here with Heather and Matt to help out but also to just love on our little munchkin. Heather had to laugh at me a couple of days ago and took these pictures which I was told I 'had' to post on my blog.

You see I am a different kind of grandma! One of the challenges that we as women face is that we endlessly compare ourselves with other seemingly more beautiful, more domesticated, more gifted women(I say seemingly because what we don't realize is that other women look at us and put us in those same categories compared to themselves). I will never knit an outfit, quilt a beautiful quilt, or bake pies with my grandchildren. But I will love on them, hold them while on my blackberry answering an email question from the office, teach them about birds and the great outdoors and play endlessly with them....a different kind of grandma but one who loves her little people just the same!
And so as Dave and I head for home tomorrow(he told Heather he wasn't leaving without me again!) I have wonderful memories of little Kai, holding him for hours on end while he slept, rocking him to sleep when he was gassy, watching his 'gas' smiles, and changing oodles and oodles of diapers!
I even got to go with them on their first adventure into the big world outdoors on Wednesday! How fun that was to hear the lady at the store ooh and ah over him!
He is gorgeous and mellow, and definitely a huge reminder to us that God is indeed faithful and can bring beauty out of ashes, redeeming the years that the locusts have eaten.
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Karin said...

You are the cutest grandma ever!!! And that little fella is adorable!!!

Anneliese said...

The modern gramma for sure! Oh, and I think he looks like Heather on that second last picture!

Darin and Jody said...

I love the picture of him in the car seat because it shows how itty bitty he is. I am sure that they have appreciated your time there, especially the diapers being changed. I remember being really overwhelmed by the constant diaper changing with Caily.

Anonymous said...

So precious ... glad you were able to be there.


Kristal Sawyer said...

He is SO SO SO SO cute! And I agree, he looks like Heather!

Anonymous said...

You are a 21st century grandma. you are sothere helping out with the grandchildren. What a beautiful gift to your family. Youa are right we do tend to compare ourselves. Have a safe trip back. Again what a precious gift you have given of yourselves to your precious childrenand grandchildren
