We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dinner with Friends

On Sunday evening at the conference we had our first 'working' meal.....talking ministry and strategies as we had dinner with friends, fellow staff from Canada, albeit from a different ministry than ours. There are five Canadians here out of the 175 attendees from 37 countries! What an international adventure we are on.

This morning Karen and I met for breakfast on the Terrace.

We had a guest who was begging beside us! However the Resort gave us express instructions NOT to feed the cats! But how can you refuse a face like this? I did....refuse that is.

I love the way they have trimmed these bushes....breakfast company too!
Today we had lunch, dinner and coffee with friends!  I met Michael and Fiona in Thailand. They serve in Malaysia so today we talked about how we could partner with them and help accelerate their work.

We have had a 'Malaysian' lunch, a 'Dutch' dinner, and a 'Russian' coffee after the last session as we met with staff from these countries to talk, strategize and learn from one another. What an amazing time....God is so good! This is the view from the Terrace where we have been meeting everyone! Can't beat the view.

It truly was an amazing day!


On This Rock said...

I am very much enjoying your dialogue about this trip via blog or facebook...but pictures really top it off. What a fabulous experience or journey to be on. The coming together of those that love the Lord is only to be celebrated in ways such as this. Wishing you wonderful connections and safe journeys.

Anneliese said...

Wow! It's beautiful there! I like the picture of you at the table... in your element . .. sharing all good things.