We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Swimming in the Meditteranean Sea

There are times in my life when I can hardly believe all that God is doing and has done. Today was one of those days! You see, I am in Antalya, Turkey, attending an international internet ministry conference and guess what? It's on the Mediterranean Sea! This morning I sat on my balcony and had my quiet time....I could see other conferees sitting on theirs too...

For lunch I met two other friends and we looked over the water as we ate and shared about what God is doing in our lives and ministries...

In between I went for a wonderful swim in my own private pool!! There wasn't a soul it in that early in the morning....of course by this afternoon all the deck chairs were full, but this morning I swam and prayed without a soul in sight.

This afternoon was the highlight it is! The Mediterranean Sea...and I got to swim in it!! And yes, I did feel like I had to pinch myself. A Canadian Grandmother swimming in the Mediterranean...God is so good!


Anonymous said...

quit rubbing it in. I am in Minnesota, no ocean around!!

Darin and Jody said...

Fun times! It looks like y'all are having a lot of fun, thanks for the updates and the pictures. Sorry Dad, Minnesota is not quite as exotic. Love you both.

Karin said...

Isn't it cool to be able to keep in instant touch this way! Wonderful that you got to swim in the Mediterranean!! Enjoy the conference!

Anonymous said...

lol.. you are so funny Doris, always mentioning you are a Grandma. I do the same thing now, it is all about being a Grandparent, nothing else seems to really matter but them adorable children of our children. Well, we do care about our children, but the being smitten part is a reality and fact!
Have a amazing time Doris! Blessing!

Yosha said...

Lucky you! Turkey is on the list of my must visit places! Enjoy the scenary and of course the sea!

Anneliese said...

Thinking about you this Monday morning . . . glad to see you are taking full advantage of your short visit there.

JJ said...

Praying for your health and a rewarding time while you are working.
I love the pics. The food looks sooo good! The tree beside the hotel is rather close. What a beautiful view of the area you are staying at.

Earle Expedition said...

Isn't the Mediterranean beautiful? Glad to hear things are going well for you over there. Have fun!!