We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cousin Fun

The house is full of laughter and sometimes tears, but oh so much fun to be had! Aidan wasn't at all sure about seeing Caily in our house when they arrived yesterday, but soon after the three older cousins were having fun 'walking their puppies' in circles through our house. Our old Fisher Price pull toys were in high demand as Aidan, Caily and Jaxon all got into the act! It was so much fun to watch them going around and around in a line.

When it came time to move the crib into the bedroom with the Bunk Beds and the twin bed, all three cousins were up on the top fun watching and having fun at the same time! Caily, Aidan and Jaxon look so much alike they could be siblings instead of cousins.

Today it took all three of them a while to warm up to each other again, but once again they all got into the act...this time riding the horsey(aka Darin)! Sooo much fun!

All of us have tried to pick up Lexi but she is not ready to be won over yet. Tonight Megs tried again.....there were smiles to be had, but no one but Mommy and Daddy can hold her without the tears.
(the record is held by me...I was able to hold her for about 5 minutes today without her bursting into tears and wanting her Mommy)

Tonight was special in that they all sat quiet long enough that I was able to read to them!! I couldn't help but think that it doesn't get any better than have them altogether in one place and make memories together.

Jaxon decided he needed some 'alone' time while everyone else was busy!

The evening tonight was topped off with stories! When our children were little, Dave told stories and now he is telling them to another generation of little Becks. Aidan gets them all the time, but last night Jaxon joined for the first time(because the boys are sleeping in the same room now...our bedroom) and tonight Caily joined the fun.

As you can tell there were lots of laughs to be shared....

Looking at these smiles makes me smile....

Tomorrow is another day but we already have sooo many memories captured on the canvas of our minds!

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Till the Whole World Knows said...

Beautiful photos, Doris! Check my blog . . . we became grandparents today!

Kristal Sawyer said...

So cute to see all those cousin smiles!

Karen said...

What fun!!!! Definitely not a quiet household!

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Yeah!!! Thanks so much for posting!Looks like you're all having a great time! Can't wait to see more when Kai gets there!

Julene said...

So much fun!!! Look at those smiles!!!

Anneliese said...

I missed this post! Beautiful pictures! Just precious!

sethswifeforlife said...

Love seeing how Caily is having so much fun with those boy cousins of hers!

Beams said...

Thank you for sharing all these photos Doris, they make me smile too. What a blessing Grandkids are! We have had such great fun with ours too....boys will be boys though! Check out my blog again sometime for an outdoors kind of Christmas!