We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, December 18, 2009

So Many Memories

It's the end of another day filled with so many memories. I know that once Matt and Heather arrive with Kai tomorrow there will be even more activity, so I wanted to capture a few of today's memories before that. This morning when I came home from my walk, Buppa and Caily were reading 'Are You My Mother?'. They were really into the book....

Next it was time to get Lexi ready for the day! Those big blue eyes are amazing!!

Caily was excited about what we had planned next(don't you just love her outfit complete with the boots?)

The girls were headed over to Megan's to bake cookies!

Once there Caily got a lesson in how the boys play....she needed to learn how to hold the hockey stick!

Caily and Aidan were in charge of unwrapping the Hershey's kisses that we later used to make the most delicious cookies(thank you Megs for we actually have home made cookies on the counter!)

Caily was delighted to meet Max who almost looked like he was going to give her a kiss before he took off and hid!

There is more than one way to hold a golf a 'guitar'...or  a 'baseball bat'!

Aidan decided it was time to read to Caily but Jaxon couldn't miss out on reading a book! I just love the expressions on these three look-a-like cousins!(they really could belong to the same family!)

Once the cookies were all baked it was time for lunch...what else but Kraft Dinner!(a love that all of our girls share and the guys really can't stand!)

Lexi loves just sitting on the floor and playing while everyone is busy around her.

Tonight was another first! Dave and I looked after the four wee ones so that their parents could go out on a date together! Caily helped calm Lexi down...don't you love how she is holding on to her?

Proof that we really did manage to not only babysit, but have a good time with four! And yes, they were all asleep in their beds by the time the adults got home! Dave doesn't often get to hold both girls so I had to capture this final memory as well.

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Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Again, what a joy to see all the pics....don't know how you even have time to post, Doris, but these pictures are priceless. Thanks so much for letting us peek in on your family time.

Anneliese said...

I am so happy for you!