We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Little Feet

Last weekend we had the boys overnight while Jamie surprised Megan for her birthday. As we headed upstairs to bed I just had to take a picture of these matching Nike running shoes.....they looked so big sitting there, much bigger than the little feet that wear them! And yet, someday soon, the Nike shoes will be even bigger, basketball shoes, soccer shoes, all sorts of shoes. But for now they are little Nike shoes....

...... and these little men fill those shoes. We are so blessed to get to spend time with them! Jaxon looked so grown up sitting in the big chair I just had to capture his expression! Both the boys just love playing with all the old Fisher Price toys that I kept from our children. Aidan could hardly believe it when I told him that his Daddy had played with those same toys!

Spending time with Aidan and Jaxon made us wish that we could transport some other little people for the these little Texas girlies and a little man from up north.

I am so thankful for the time we did have....and so thankful for little feet!

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Anneliese said...

So cute! I can tell they love being at Mimi and Pa's! Old toys, books, their own beds and lots of attention. Isn't it all more fun the second time around?

Karin said...

Loved your post about your precious grands! I know you are enjoying every moment. Too soon they become teens are have their own calendars filled to the brim. I've only got two in town and the other 7 are not here. Sure miss them terribly! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

How adorable!