We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Weekend with Friends

A couple of weeks ago we were treated to a relaxing weekend with old friends who now live on Vancouver Island. We left after work on Friday and headed for the Ferry Terminal where we parked our car and waited for our Ferry so we could just walk on.

This was the first time we had gone to the Island as foot passengers and it made it wonderfully relaxing. Our friends were waiting for us when we disembarked on the other side. Although it was dark that night, the next morning we could see the ocean in the distance. We decided it was a great day for a walk and headed down the hill to the water.

Ilona and I were friends as teenagers and I was even in their Bridal Party. The year that Dave and I met I was living with them while attending the University of Alberta. Many years have passed since then but we have remained good friends.
 For Dave and I it was just so good to relax, enjoy time with friends, and play several games of the European version of Ticket to Ride(my new favorite game).

The weekend came to an end far too soon and we all agreed that we had to do this again soon! We won't stay away as long this time! Thanks for the memories Gerd and Ilona!
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Karin said...

So great that you had a wonderful time - to relax and refresh! Gerd and Ilona are fine hosts! Blessings!

moonsunme said...

wow!really nice sharing!

moonsunme said...

i m really impressed by your interesting sharing and writing
and good luck