We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Special Visitors

Last week we had two very special visitors!! What fun it was to have Heather and Kai fly down for the week.
Kai had changed so much in the month since we had seen him. He doesn't hate 'tummy-time' anymore, and even enjoys it for a few minutes at a time anyway.
We have a lot of baby paraphenalia including a high chair and exersaucer and it all came in very handy this week. Kai loves being upright, whether sitting up or standing much fun!
Kai has the most amazing big brown eyes....we had fun doing a couple of 'photo shoots' with him this week.I love his expression in this picture.
Friday morning my sister and mom came out for coffee, and Megs and the boys joined us. Kai had fun playing with Ev and Megan.
On Saturday we took some pictures of Kai in his Canucks jersey in honor of Hockey Day in Canada! Who wouldn't love this smiley little boy. And I am sure that his cheering helped the Canucks come back and beat Toronto.....Go Team!!!
Thanks for the great week!! See you again real soon we hope!

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Karin said...

How sweet! Such deep brown eyes! You took such great pictures!

Anneliese said...

Aw....that jersey suit him! And he looks like he knows it.