We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Riverwalk and More

Yesterday it finally warmed up and the sun came up to the kind of Texas day we like to have when we are visiting! It was so fun to see Caily already outside on the front porch coloring with her sidewalk chalk first thing in the morning.
For the first time since we got here we were able to have our breakfast on the porch as well, a tradition that Caily and Dave like to share.
Of course being outside also means that Caily is always on the look-out for her Daddy popping by! She got a 'horsie' ride out of it which was an extra treat. Take a look at her princess shoes that she had on for the occassion! :-)
According to Jody this was the nicest day that they have had this year and even the puppies were Caily gets to hold Holly.
Jingle was next up....
And then it was Lexi's turn....Caily wanted to hold her while sitting on Dave's lap....
After lunch we headed into San Antonio to enjoy the Riverwalk....Dave and I were sitting in the back seat of the van so had a great view of Lexi's beautiful big blue eyes.
It had been 8 years since we were last at the Riverwalk. Jody's first year at Bible School we came down during her spring break and met Dave's parents and his sister and daughter how things in our family have changed since then!
Now we were the grandparents, Jody was the mother and we were here with the Miles family of four!
We enjoyed the boat tour down the river....this was one of the interesting sites...a hospital that is an optical illusion. It isn't really a freestanding wall....very weird though.
We finished off our evening with dinner by the River, watching other boats go by and just enjoying the moments! We are sooooo blessed!


Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Wow, Doris! Thanks so much for posting all these great pictures! Makes my eyes tear up to see how fast these little ones are growing up before our eyes. You've captured some great moments...and I loved the "horsie" post too! Thanks so much for keeping us posted on your adventures while in Texas.

Sarah said...

I love the riverwalk! I've been there a few times and enjoyed some delicious Mexican food by the water at night. So glad you get to be with your girls and enjoy some less snowy Texas weather!