We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Gigi!

What's in a name? 
To my sweetheart she is Mom,
and when we are together I too call her Mom,
a Mom-in-law that has always encouraged me,
never spoken ill of me,
taught me to stamp and make cards 
and been an example to me as she continued to enjoy life 
after the love of her life was gone.

To our kids she has always been Grandma,
who makes cards,
who loves playing games like chicken foot,
Mexican Train and Canadian Rummy,
who comes to visit by train because she doesn't like to fly,
but who still comes.
And to our grands, well it all depends.
To Aidan and Jaxon she is Gigi, 
because Great Grandma is just too hard to say,
especially when you are having fun playing together 
or reading a book together.

And to Caily and Lexi for now she is Mommy's Grandma,
because that is just the easiest,
and well because they are just getting to know her a bit better, 
first a few weeks ago when she came up closer to where they lived
and then this week when we came down to where she spends her winter,
to celebrate a very significant birthday!

But don't worry Mom, 
because this birthday doesn't end in '0'
and you once said they were the only ones that bothered you!
So Happy Birthday from all of us,
we are so glad we were able to come 
and Sing Happy Birthday to you in person!


Anneliese said...

Looks like Lexi is losing some of her shyness... such a cute piture with GG . . . to whom I aslo wish a Happy Birthday!

Karin said...

Lovely post! Happy Birthday to you m-i-l!!