We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Memories of Grandma's Birthday

We got home last night so tonight I am sorting through the hundreds of pictures that we took while in Texas. For those members of Dave's family that check our blog I thought I would post a few more pictures of his Mom's birthday celebrations last Thursday. We met at 'Grandma's House' as Caily called it, the place she calls home during the winter.
It's a beautiful location, right across from the marina.
First we all went out for lunch together. Grandma Gigi enjoyed watching the girls enjoy each other. What fun to see three generations together.
After lunch we headed back to her place where we surprised her with a party complete with cake! It was extra-special that her brother John and his wife Delores were there since they had driven her back down after their sister's funeral.
Caily enjoyed playing with the cat that let her pet it(Dave went outside to get the picture thru the window)
We were so glad that we had planned this little road trip while in Texas and it was fun to meet the people that both worked there and others that spend their winters there as well.
The girls both enjoyed playing with the bead necklaces that Grandma Gigi had given them.
A picture to remember four generations celebrating a birthday together! 
 From BC, to South Dakota, Minnesota and Texas, it was definitely a day to remember!
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Karin said...

Oh, what lovely memories you've made!! God bless!

Anneliese said...

Yes, special memories once more... Glad to hear you are back. I'ts been a while.