We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A House-Full of Love part 2

Tonight the house is very quiet since both Dave's Mom and Heather and Kai headed for home today! But we had so much fun....crazy, busy, often loud, lots of laughs, and with Megan and the boys joining us from Wednesday to Sunday, every bed and bedroom full! I just had to share some of my favorite pictures....
both Aidan and Jaxon were glad to see Gigi again, and she was such a trooper, always willing to read, play or listen to them.
Watching Aidan and Jaxon with Kai was fun...they were so gentle with him and he just loved watching them.
Jaxon definitely likes his Auntie Heather.....we would catch him grinning at her when no one was looking. And of course he was always asking anyone who would listen if they would  read a book.
Kai and I steal some quiet moments together.
Spending days doing life together was extra-special....time for aunties and nephews, cousins, grandparents and even a great-grandmother to enjoy doing the daily things of life together along with the extras like shopping trips, lunches, and even cheering on the Canucks!!
It was such a blessing for Dave's Mom to be able to meet Kai, her fifth great-granchild.
Trying to get a picture with Gigi and her great-grandsons was a bit of a challenge. But on Sunday I caught them playing Dominos together.
At the end of each day, there was time for stories.....Aidan and Jaxon would come and ask Pa to tell them stories and just like their Daddy years before them, they would then head to the bedroom for Pa's stories.
It won't be long before Kai joins his cousins to hear Pa's stories before bedtime. He is growing up so fast.....
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Heather said...

It was so much fun :) Thanks again for having us!

Karin said...

Beautiful shots, beautiful memories for you! What a blessing!