We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Playing with Paper and Glue

I sometimes feel very intimidated with how creative other women are, how well they write on their blogs or how amazing their recipes or fashion sense is. But then I remind myself that I am me, and not them. And this blog is mine, the musings of a grandma who loves her family, taking pictures, travelling, and sometimes when I have the time, playing with paper and glue.

My cards aren't the most creative, nor the most fancy, but they are a gift of my time to the ones that I love. And with 2 wedding anniversaries, 3 birthdays and Mother's Day all in the month of May, I took some time this week to make some cards.

The goal was to use up some paper that I had saved for making cards(instead of using it in my scrapbook memory album which I also like to create) that I had somehow forgotten about. Heather inspired me last week with her desire to start making cards so here are just a couple of cards....thought I would share what happens when I play with paper and glue...and not much else.
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Danielle said...


I love your cards, and I am not the "creative" artsy fartsy type. I am a drummer and that's my art =D

Karin said...

I have felt the same that you describe in the first paragraph! I'm me and I must allow the Lord to use me especially through my weakness! Love your cards! That's very creative!

Anneliese said...

Oh Doris.. I smile, because I know you so well...You who can get up in front of a thousand women and share your lifestory without stuttering or fear of what to say. .. you who can share what Jesus means in your life, mentor and encourage women all over the world in what you are doing every day. You know so much and I have learned much from you... all that and you make beautful cards to boot!!! I think you want to be able to do everything. =)

Beck's Bulletin said...

Thanks for your kind words Anneliese and yes, you are right, I guess I do want to be able to do everything. Better yet I need to keep reminding myself not to compare myself to others!