We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall is in the air....

Fall is in the air and as beautiful as this season is it always makes me sad.

I am such a summer child. Born on the Fourth of July, I love everything about summer, the warmth, the sunshine, walks on the beach, swimming, long summer evenings, spending time with friends and family outside.

Fall brings with it shorter days, a turning of the leaves that beckons the coming of winter, rainy days and long nights but also a chance to celebrate not one but two thanksgivings in our bi-national family.

And so today as I worked and watched the sun reflect off the multicoloured leaves in the trees I reflected on how thankful I am even for fall.....

.....for a sleepover with Aidan and Jaxon this past weekend while their parents were away.

.....for a trip to visit our northern little bear for Canadian Thanksgiving.

.....and for the first time ever a trip over American Thanksgiving to visit our Texas family.


Darin and Jody said...

Woo hoo!! Yay for visiting us!!

Megan said...

oh nice! Didn't know you were going down there for Thanksgiving....when did you plan that one? I am sure they are excited for the visit.

Mumsey said...

Its all so different in New Zealand.
Spring is in the air although the weather doesn't seem to think so.
Nut I enjoy the Autumn and therefore the hunkering down for winter with fires, roast dinners and time to just read.
We don't have Thanksgiving in New Zealand either but would love to experience it.
The blessings of family with out the hype of Christmas.

Beck's Bulletin said...

Oh Megs.....You were so exhausted on Sunday! I guess you must have been really oxygen deprived when you picked up the boys after running the half marathon because we told you and Jamie about it then! :-)Good thing I mentioned it so now you know.

So interesting Mumsey....Thanksgiving is a wonderful thing! Such an awesome reminder to take time to give thanks.