We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Kisses from Katie

I am an avid reader which is probably an understatement since I read more than a book a week and at least a book a day on vacation.(yes, I am also a fast reader which helps).

While in Texas, Jody lent me a book to read that she said was a must read. And I must agree, it was!! Kisses for Katie is the true story of a remarkable young woman who moved from Nashville,Tennessee to Uganda where she is now in the process of adopting thirteen little girls.

Katie is passionate to follow Jesus and invites the readers on a journey of radical love down the red dirt roads of Uganda(as the flyleaf says). I was challenged to consider what my walk with Jesus looks like. Would people describe me as passionate? Radical? Do I really love people with my actions and not just my words? Would I give up everything here in my comfortable new home to go and make a difference in the lives of people who have nothing?

Somehow in the process of purging and packing up for our move my heart has been moved to consider how much 'stuff' we here in North America accumulate and feel that we need to have. This book definitely challenged my thinking and has lingered with me since I first read it. Definitely a worthwhile read!

In her own words...
I am twenty years old and have fourteen children and four hundred more who all depend on me for their care. Who are all learning to love Jesus and be responsible adults and looking up to me. The reality of it all can be a it overwhelming at times. However, it is always pure joy. There is a common misconception that I am courageous. I will be the first to tell you that this is not actually true. Most of the time, I am not brave. I just believe in a God who will use me even though I am not......

Lord use me right where I am at.


Anneliese said...

It's so encouraging to know that we believe in a God who's power is made perfect in our weakness.
I would like to read that book.

Anonymous said...
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The Lowen family said...

I so enjoy reading your blog. Seeing your beautiful and handsome grand kids. But most of all I love the thoughtful perspective that you give on life. You are a blessing. This post is exciting and challenging.

Beck's Bulletin said...

So glad you stopped by and left a comment Karen! I often wonder who all is reading the blog and whether to continue but all I need is one comment like yours to keep on!