We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Treasure These Things

“But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.”(Luke 2:51)

I remember the moment well. We had launched our two oldest children off to University and gotten quite used to life at home with just our youngest, when through a series of circumstances we found ourselves with a full house again. It was a drastic change, with more mouths to feed, extra schedules to balance, and car-pooling to figure out.

As I read my Bible that morning, this verse felt like it jumped out at me. “But his mother treasured all these things in her heart.”(Luke 2:51).  Lord this is no accident. You knew these precious people would all be back under our roof again for this period of time. I need to see this time as a gift from you and treasure the chaos, the full sink, the overflowing laundry room, and yes, even sharing my car again.

Years have passed since those few months when we were once again altogether under one roof. Our children are married with children of their own, but the lessons learned have remained.

I am often reminded to treasure these things, whatever that looks like in my current season of life, and to be thankful that my Heavenly Father has seen fit to allow all of this in my life. He is not unaware, and by his Spirit I will have the strength to carry on regardless of what the days hold.

How about you? In these uncertain days our schedules and routines have drastically been altered, often due to decisions that are out of our control. Mothers and Fathers are now teachers, trying to balance teaching their children while working from home. Treasure these times and trust him for the strength for each day.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for all the things that you have allowed to be in my life right now – people, responsibilities, challenges, everything. Help me to daily take the time to treasure these things, knowing that they are from you and that you will give me the grace and strength to make it through, one day at a time, by the power of your Holy Spirit at work in me. Amen

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