We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Monday, January 02, 2023


“Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide”

 (Genesis 22:14a)


Our bags were packed and we were ready to head for home later that day after a visit with family, when my husband opened his email to read, “Your flights are cancelled. Watch your email for updates.”


I will admit, my first reaction was panic. We had been away from home for over 2 weeks, our daughter and her family were headed out of town the next day and we were anxious to get home. We had heard many horror stories on the news about people getting stuck for days in airports because of cancelled flights.


But God had other plans. Through an amazing customer service representative and a relatively short phone call, we were rebooked on another partner airline at no cost to us, and arrived home several hours before our original flights! The entire day we marveled at God’s amazing plan for us. He had indeed provided for us in a remarkable way.


Genesis 22 tells the story of Abraham going up the mountain to sacrifice his son, Isaac, where God miraculously provides a ram caught in the thicket in his place. Abraham goes on to call the name of that place The Lord will provide’. And on that travel day, that’s exactly what God did for us, he provided flights for us that were even better than the ones we had booked months in advance.


I have thought of that day often in the weeks since then. God not only provides what we need, he often provides in unexpected ways that are even better than our own plans. So why is my first response panic? Why do I lie awake nights worrying about how things are going to work? Or react with anger or anxiety when things don’t work out?


I need to remind myself often that God always provides. He’s got this! He is sovereign, in control, all-powerful and omniscient. When the anxious thoughts multiply within me, I can remind myself, I can trust in God’s provision.


What have you been worrying about? Where do you need to see God’s provision in your life in this new year?


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you that I can trust you because you are indeed the Lord who provides. You provide for me even better than I can plan it on my own. Remind me of this often today and replace my worries and fears with the calm assurance that you are in charge. Amen.


Throughout this Day:

Read Genesis 22 today as a way to remind yourself of God’s provision for you. Then take the time to reflect on where you need to see God provide for you this year, and commit that to him. In the days ahead, watch and see his handprint on your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a great story to remind us that God still provides. I will be looking for His provision time and time again. Anneliese