We are on a journey, sojourners on this earth. Let us share with you the highs and lows of our lives. Heaven is a sweeter place now that we have two beautiful granddaughters waiting there for us.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Birthday Boy

Friday evening we all got together at Matt and Heather's to celebrate Aidan's first birthday! My how our lives have all changed as this cute little guy becomes the center of attention! From us he received some more Baby Einstein DVDs and as you can tell he really enjoyed watching them on Uncle Matt's lap! The rest of us enjoyed watching him as you can tell from Jamie's eyes in the background!

....seems like yesterday that we got the call from the hospital that Aidan arrived and we were on our way to meet this little man that has captured our hearts! We took a family picture of the three of them's one from now!

Aidan is a toddler now with his inflatable Booster Seat....and boy, does he ever enjoy corn on the cob! Can you tell?

As usual with a one year old, Aidan was more interested in the wrapping paper that in the actual gifts...but we had fun watching him just the same!
A book from Matt and Heather captured him though...he loves looking at books!

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Beck's Bulletin said...

Is anybody out there?? I know it's strange to post on my own blog but I am starting to wonder about the lack of comments...if you stopped by, please let me know! It encourages me to keep blogging....hello? hello! Anybody there?

Donnie and Trudy Miles said...

Hey Doris...I'm here...I'm a "blogaholic"...I enjoyed seeing those darling pictures of Aidan. The first one you had with Jamie's eyes on him was darling...and boy, do they look alike! Keep blogging, and I'll try to keep "commenting"!! I didnt' know you could "comment" on your own blog? Hope you all are doing well!
Give our regards to Dave.

Darin and Jody said...

Thanks for the pictures Mom, sorry for the lack of comments. I do enjoy your post even if I don't comment. I especially enjoy the one of Aidan and his corn, so much fun.

Danielle said...

doris, Aiden is so precious, and to see the look in Jamies' eyes when a father looks at his son... is priceless :)